City College of San Francisco, College of San Mateo, and Samuel Merritt Univ. Fall 2018

Nursing Students School Programs



I am new to Allnurses. I recently got accepted into 2 ADN Fall 2018 programs - City College of San Francisco and College of San Mateo. I live in San Francisco. I heard that both are very good programs. I also applied to Samuel Merritt University's Fall 2018 ABSN program, but have not heard back. I think they will send out notices mid-May/June.

This is my dilemma:

If accepted into SMU, I will have to take out approximately $80,000+ in loans for tuition. Although I may get out of school quicker and obtain a BSN, it will take years to pay back. If I go to an ADN program, I will not be in debt. But, I will be in school a year longer and have to go to school again for another year or two to pursue BSN/MSN. I already have a bachelor's degree in a non-nursing field, so the ABSN program is more appealing to me.

My pros/cons for CCSF and CSM:


-close to home and work (10-15 mins drive)

-familiar with campus/school system


-nurses from work attended the program and recommend

-farther from home and work (30-45 mins drive)

-stress about traffic going to campus and coming back into the city

-not familiar with campus/school system

I have to accept or decline by the end of this week.

Any thoughts, advice, or information is appreciated.


Just curious what did you end up choosing Gingerbeer?

Hey guys, going to apply to Nursing programs next semester and during spring and was wondering what you guys got for points on the form before TEAS score is added? thanks!

Hi all,

I attended the orientations today. No word from SMU yet, but I have narrowed my decision down to CCSF and SMU.

CCSF over CSM because of location and free tuition for SF residents.

I will most likely choose SMU if I get accepted because time is very critical for me, and the effort I put into the application (personal statements, reference letters, additional prereqs I'm currently taking just for this program) won't go to waste. Thanks for your advice. I realized that loans are something that I shouldn't worry about at this point.

5AAB: Congrats and good luck in the masters program!

hollandlops: How about you?

Hey John3219,

I don't know how many points I got because they didn't let us know. I think the person who answers the phone in the Nursing Dept could give you like an average. A friend of mine called CCSF, and the lady told her around 35-40 for the first class when the point system took effect.

Hi @gingerbeer! I was just wondering if you had already declined your spot at CSM?

Hi hollandlops

Did you end up chosing the school you wanted to attend? Im still waiting on CSM to send me information about the back ground check and drug screen. During the orientation they said they would send an email about this and registration information. They take forever!

Hey! I did end up choosing CSM too. The background stuff is taking a bit longer since they're needing to sign a contract with castle branch.

I can't wait to start! It is going to be a crazy, but very rewarding experience. Have you decided which schedule you are going to choose for the first semester? I think I am going to pick DX or AX. Those work best with my schedule.

Same! I'm going to try to get into AX. Are you going to try to do the bsn bridge too?

Yeah, I want to do the bridge program. It is a really good opportunity to get our BSN in shorter time. Im just worried that its going to be very difficult to cram the extra classes in as well.

That's true about cramming a lot of stuff in. I was a little jealous because my friend who applied for a Bsn program at east bay will actually get his summers off. í ½í¸­

The good thing with our program is we will be in less student debt and the same cohort throughout both degrees which is really nice.

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