Cincinnati Hospitals

U.S.A. Ohio


Hello everyone,

I was wondering if I could get input about any hospital in the Cincinnati area. I'm currently in a nursing program that will finish in August 09, but I'd like to think ahead to where I might like to work. I'm not from Cincinnati so I don't have much previous knowledge about any of the hospitals here, but I think I will remain in this area once I graduate.

I have done clinicals at University and Mercy Western Hills. University was my first clinical experience, and I found the nurses were not very receptive to students at all so I didn't really enjoy my experience there. However, I can recognize that they were very busy so I am thinking that working there could be totally different and it could possibly be a great place to work! Any input would be appreciated. On the other hand, I loved my experience at Mercy, but would still love some input about that hospital system as well. All of the nurses were very nice and I felt very welcome on the unit at Mercy. Does anyone work there now that could give me any opinions?

Since I will be a new grad - are there any hospitals that are very receptive to new grads that anyone would recommend? I would definitely like to look at places that have great orientation programs.

Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

sorry to hear your clinical experience at university wasnt that great. i work at childrens and on my unit we have students almost every day of the week in the spring. i just graduated last year so i try to remember what it was like being a student and be nice to them and give them a good experience, but sometimes it can be very frustrating having students around for nurses.

i wouldnt necessarily use your clinical experience at a place to judge the people. on my unit we are very very busy and with 10 extra people roaming around it gets crowded and difficult to get to a computer to chart at times. earlier this week i had two patients and both had nursing students so that in itself was overwhelming to me as the nurse having two people trying to ask me questions, and having to not only do my assessments etc, but also checking in on what the students were doing to my kids too.

like i said, i was just a student myself not too long ago so i know what its like, and now i know what its like on the other side of the fence too. bottom line, i wouldnt necessarily judge all nurses at a particular hospital based on your experience as a student. it might be really beneficial to you to ask to shadow on the unit you are applying for at some point so you can get a better feel for what it will be like.

I really didn't mean to come off like I was complaing about Univerversity. I very much appreciate being able to go to clinical and the nurses that do explain things to me when they have the time. I do feel as if I got to do/see a lot at that clinical as well... but I guess my main issue was the morale/attitudes of the floor. At university everyone seems to be doing their own thing, and everyone just seemed to be complaining about everything all the time. At mercy and the hospitals I'm at this semester everyone just seemed "happier". There was a larger sense of community on the unit. I'm a very positive person and my last job I had before I decided to go back to school for nursing... well... the environment was very negative and it started to rub off on me. I know I'm not being 100% realistic and I know everyone has the right to complain sometimes (I know I have my moments!)... I just really want to work where people WANT to go to work. If it comes down to having a job vs not having a job I'll work anywhere! ... but if there is a choice I want to in a supportive/positive environment.

As far as shadowing is concerned - I do hope to get the chance to do that as well before graduation!

PS--- I have heard great things about Children's and I heard about the recent Magnet Status - congrats!

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