Christann Gainey

Nurses Headlines


With all of the talk about Redonda Vaught, I just wanted to link an article about another nurse in a bad situation who doesn't seem to be getting as much attention:

Just in case you haven't seen this...


I believe it was on surveillance that she did not check on him and falsified neuro checks. 

1 minute ago, faithjohn said:

I believe it was on surveillance that she did not check on him and falsified neuro checks. 

That's what I got from the article, also. She was alone with many patients. It is common in some nursing homes, but it's not right.

Specializes in Critical Care.

This case is so radically different from RaDonda. Expecting a single person to be responsible for 38 additional patients while also expecting neuro checks every 15 minutes for an hour and then hourly after that for a single patient doesn't make sense to anyone over the age of 5. Also that this was his FIFTH fall in just a few days says something.

To play devil's advocate, not checking on a patient who fell and hit their head for EIGHT hours when you should be doing hourly neuro checks doesn't sit well with me, either.

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