Chicken Soup for the Nurses Soul (our online version)


Hi everyone. I am not a nurse yet but I just finished reading Chicken Soup for the Nurses Soul. I thought it was a great book and if you haven't read it, you may want to.

I thought we should start an online version of it. What are the stories that stick out to you most. What has made you realize that you are doing the greatest job in the world. Is it that you have sat there and held a lonely patient's hand while they took their last breath? Is it that you comforted a scared, lonely child whose parents' were to upset to come visit them because they were so sick? Is it something a patient said to you or about you that stuck with you for years? What's the greatest moment in your nursing life? ER, OB, Peds, Surg, what were you in at the time. If any of you have read this book, you know exactly what I am talking about. If not, I am sorry, I am having a little trouble trying to get out exactly what I am looking for.

Can't wait to hear your amazing stories. Maybe I will have my own someday soon.


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