Published Aug 27, 2015
1 Post
Hi, I'm a nursing student at delgado and I was looking on LoLa at the times for class to start and I saw some different times and days on there and I was just wondering how does scheduling a class work? Can you pick a certain day from the days offered or do you have to take them all at once?
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,936 Posts
Have you taken the opportunity to speak with your academic advisor or someone at the registrar's office? Because this is a question about a specific school, the most accurate information will come from someone at the school who is familiar with registering for classes. An academic advisor can also guide you in selecting classes so that all prereqs and coreqs are completed at the right time and you don't find out you have to delay a class because you didn't get another required one finished in time.