Charity School of Nursing FALL 2017 applied


Hello All Nurses,

I recently applied for the

fall 2017 semester with a profile score of 75.

Roll Call: any other prospective students apply for fall 2017?

March 31st is the day acceptance letters are sent.

Good luck to everyone.

Hello All Nurses,

I recently applied for the

fall 2017 semester with a profile score of 75.

Roll Call: any other prospective students apply for fall 2017?

March 31st is the day acceptance letters are sent.

Good luck to everyone.

Hello ,

From previous post and advising session I attended your score of 75 is great,so good luck to you.

I have applied also. I only have a score of 60 because of old 2001 transcripts and withdrawals 2014.

If they except my transfer credit for my second A&P II lab/lec A/A, that will give me additional points with an increase GPA and also additional points for completing all prerequisites.

If I don't get excepted ,I will retake The classes over the summer to get points for having everything completed and reapply in August. I made 87 on HESI and will retake it to improve if necessary.

I hope the cutoff is 60 and they don't have an excessive amount of applicants this year. I'm hopeful and claiming to be excepted. But I'm preparing to apply for August application period!

Good luck to you&everyone that applied

Good luck to you as well!! I have a similar plan if some of my credits don't transfer from previous universities.


i have applied as well with a profile score of 70. I'm hoping to get in this time as I applied for spring of 2017, but did not get in. I only had a 60 so my fingers are crossed this time. I wish the best of luck to both of y'all, and do not give up!!

Thank you! You should get in with 70. During advising she said Spring application period had a very high group Applying therefore the cutoff was higher. I'm hopeful! I'm at 60 before they evaluate my transcript!

So I started reading older threads about which books are must haves vs. ones to wait and see etc, and places for cheapest uniforms. I didn't know about LSU in New Orleans as I'm 2hours away& will move if excepted. So reading this forum and early networking is great!

Good luck.

Yes you should look into LSU as well the only reason I have not applied there is because of my grade in biology. But I know plenty of people who have gotten in and love it at LSU! Hope to see you in the fall!!

I've applied as well, my profile score is low because of W's in 2014 and a D in Micro as well. They all fall off in 2019 so if I don't get in, I'll apply again then. I'm tired of stressing out about it LOL, I am a LPN and I've applied for the transition program. Good luck to you all..

Good luck to you as well! Did you do the Lpn program at Delgado?

I applied for Fall 2017! I'm excited and anxious for March 31st!! Good luck, y'all.

Woo-hoo!!! Today I received my acceptance letter via email for Fall 2017!!! Good luck to and congrats to my fellow students.

Me too!! So excited to start and meet all my classmates.

We should create a Facebook page for our class.

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