Published Jul 18, 2013
17 Posts
Hello Everyone!
I'm hoping to get some opinions about this issue that I'm having right now. I graduated with my BSN in 2012, and worked on a neuro floor in a large teaching hospital for about 9 months. I really did like this job, loved the people I worked with as well as the patient population. It was straight night shift, and I constantly found myself falling asleep on my 1 hour drive home. I could not move closer at the time due to family constraints. I also needed to get a higher paying job because I was not making enough... I was paying for all of my bills and 900 a month in student loans, on top of all of my father's bills because he was trying to get disability at the time. (which he was able to get very quickly, thank goodness)
So my only options were either get a higher paying job or get a second one. I was miserable working straight nights, mostly because of the drive I think. I really wouldn't have minded if I lived a little closer. Anyway, I did not want to add more night shift to my life with the addition of a second job. I went on many interviews and got offered a couple jobs, but I could not fit it into my schedule with my full-time position not being very flexible.
I found a job that's 5 minutes from home and also pays $5 more an hour in a small community hospital that is in turmoil, and has laid off 68 FTEs in the past month, and more layoffs are to come in September. Why they could afford to hire me is beyond me, but I suppose that's neither here nor there. Anyway, I don't like feeling like my job is in jeopardy, and I don't like the attitude that everyone seems to have at this place (probably because their jobs are in jeopardy...enough to make anyone *****).
This is a float position, which I figured would be great experience, and I have really learned a lot even though most of my time has been spent on orientation here. However I find myself wanting a home base, wanting to not have to switch patient assignments every four hours and having to chart on 18 people a day... I constantly feel like I can never accomplish anything... and am willing to take a pay cut now that I am not paying for everything in the whole world. I am thinking of looking for a job in Pittsburgh in one of their teaching hospitals, because I really do love that environment even though I know I'll have to travel more and take a pay cut. The experience would be invaluable.
Now that I gave you all of that background, do you think that it's a bad idea to look for a new job so soon? If I were able to find a new job in one of these areas, I would stick it out for at least a few years, until I get my FNP.
What do you guys think?
274 Posts
How far would you be commuting again, would you have to start on night shift? Which job would be most flexible for the FNP program? Do you plan on staying in your current community long term? You could always look for a casual at the teaching hospital to have a back up plan. Lots to consider.
I would be commuting about a half an hour (which is not bad at all in my opinion). Honestly, probably getting a job at the places that I'm looking would be more flexible considering that I work 2-8's and 2-12's right now, and would be rotating 3-12's at a different hospital. I am moving a little closer to the city in about a month, so I would be even closer to all of the hospitals that are up thataway shortly.
I would have to work some nights, but not all nights.
Sounds like you know what the right decision for you is :). Go for it, and good luck!
135 Posts
good luck