Published Nov 10, 2004
50 Posts
I posted this topic here and in the military nursing forum so that more viewers would read it and be able to respond. I would love to hear any tips or thoughts on the matter.
I have been a RN for 5 years. I have been working as an Organ Procurement Coordinator for the past 1 1/2 years. I live by a pager 6 days on call then off for 3 days, and then back on call 6 days then off 3 days, etc. Yeah, at times it's hard, but it is pretty rewarding to help families experience a miracle out of something so devastating such as brain death. It's also rewarding to meet special people like the families that say YES to donation. The families that say yes are able to think about others at one of their worst times in their lives. Talk about unselfish. Anyway, why I am posting is to get some feelings from some of you out there in the military.
After 9/11, I wanted so badly to join the Air force. However, I only had my RN from a diploma school, which meant that I needed to finish my BSN program (which I was already in) before entering the Air Force. I have had my BSN now for the past 2 years. I started working as an Organ Procurement Coordinator and loved it. But 2 weeks ago or so, the feelings after 9/11 came rushing back to me after seeing that Bin Laden tape. :angryfire
All those emotions came rushing back to me. I have not forgotten 9/11, but I did forget about how strongly I felt about joining the Air Force after starting my job as an OPC. I like what I do, but I am starting to get a little burned out. (This is normal after working for 1 1/2 years.) My goal was to stay for 3 years, but I do not see myself staying another 1 1/2 years. I started having the burn-out feeling syndrome before even seeing the bin Laden tape. So then I asked myself, is joining the Air force a way out of leaving my job? No was my answer, however I did want to start looking for something new.
For the past 8 months I have been a Bush Teamleader. I have been a strong part of the Grassroots campaign here in Pgh, PA. I can proudly admit that I love my President. And I would even be more proud to say that I served my country under his watch. (By the way, all Kerry supporters go ahead post your comments about the PODUS. I am used to your ridiculous comments.) Before the election, I told my husband that I would only join the Air Force if President George W Bush was re-elected, because I refused to work for Senator Kerry.
I am only 28 years old, married, no children unless you count the two cats and dog. My husband and I both do not wish to be parents anytime soon and if at all. My husband has finally found something that he likes doing for a career and now I start bringing up the Air Force. He would not be able to do the same work if we were to move overseas, if overseas is indeed where we would go. We have talked it over many times and he says we need to get more info from the recruiter before he can decide.
I will be sitting down with a Recruiter to get more info soon, BUT I just would like as much advice before I talk to a recruiter. From reading the many posts in the Military Nursing Forum, I have learned that I should get everything in writing, but I guess I need to know what I can expect to get from the recruiter. I have already checked out the Air Force website.
I would love to hear from you about this topic and get your unbiased opinion. :) Please post any tips you might have about joining the Air Force.
Thanks ahead of time for all the great tips and thoughts.