CGFNS Report Issued-Am I Approved?


So since waking up this morning, my CGFNS account went from "Ready for Review" to "Ready for Final Review" to "In QA Review" and, finally, to "Report Issued"! :woot: Great! But looking over my report has me a little confused. There are a couple minor things here and there that seem odd, but what is really bothering me at the moment is that it states that "my studies are comparable to completion of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree program in the United States. However there are educational deficiencies in the following: zero theory/clinical hours with children" (my program had zero clinical hours in peds, and all the learning we did about children was part of the Maternal/Infant course). Does this mean my degree would be equivalent, but isn't since I don't have those hours? Or that my degree is equivalent, and this comment is just a heads up for the state bon in case they have their own requirements on clinical hours in different areas? Has anyone else had this kind of comment on their report? Should I just call CGFNS? (Sorry for all the questions at once! lol) I honestly just expected the report to be one page with a very clear, concise "Equivalent" or "Not Equivalent" judgement. I guess I should know better, nothing these days is easy! Wishful thinking :sarcastic:

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

You need theory & clinical hours in pediatrics. Maternal/infant is not equivalent. You will most likely be informed by the BoN that you need to make up the deficiency in order to be eligible to sit the NCLEX and if passed become a licensed RN

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Did you not have pediatrics ? I thought all Canadian BScN programmes included adult med/ surg, geriatrics, mental health, maternity/infant, and pediatrics.

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