CGFNS HELP (I'm from the philippines)


I have a question regarding to this ( - Directly from the licensing authority: The completed Request for Validation of License/Registration/Diploma form (that you sent to them) along with your first

and current registered nurse or licensed practical nurse licenses received outside

the United States. )

My question is, should I go as soon as possible to my licensing authority or there is a form that I need to wait from the cgfns so that I can ask the PRC to do my request for validation?

Thank you

Specializes in OR Nurse.

It's not necessary for you to wait for the cgfns all you need to do is submit your forms to the BON and wait or you can check your application online to check if they receive your cgfns paper thing once everything are okay you're good to go to pay for the nclex and wait for ATT :)

What is that form to be submitted to the BON?

I believe it's the VOL -- Verification of Licensure Form?

If you've registered to cgfns connect already you will find the forms that needs to be printed there.

Specializes in OR Nurse.
What is that form to be submitted to the BON?

Your application to the state where you want to be RN. Go to the website and click the RN application form, then comply all the requirements like fingerprinting, notary etc then that's it submit it. You can call your BON too or check online to their website.

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