Published May 25, 2008
15 Posts
I've read on the NASN site that the review book will be out June 28th and be available at the conference. Does anyone know if it is possible to reserve a copy in advance?? New Mexico is too far for me to go for a book, and I wonder if there will be extra copies available immediately online? I take my test in July. I'm preparing and forming a study group to start meeting in early June, but the security of having it is really appealing.
A Highland Lass at heart. Jamie Fraser is my hero! Thanks D. Gabaldon for your time travelling nurse story.
1,112 Posts
Selekman, J. & Wolfe, L (2008). School Nursing Certification Review.
I assume it will be available elsewhere, but it just came out and is only available through NASN right now.
$39.99 for members / 49.00 for non members.
6 Posts
Looking for feedback on National Certification exam...What is required to pass and interested in level of difficulty. Stressed out....haven't taken a standardized test in 28 years.....
The passing score should be in the website:
I think it is a 78 or 79%
I would go over the study questions in the book - it gives you an idea of your strengths and weaknesses.
They recommend 3 years of experience.
If you read the journal, attend conferences, and use the new textbook to look things up, I'd expect you would do well, but do prepare, do study.
I did not have one, but many recommend forming a study group.