certification question from a student for homework


We have an assignment to interview a nurse with any particular certification and ask the following questions:

1. What certification do you have?

2. What are 3 benefits and 3 challenges to having your particular certification?

3. Who is your employer and was there any kind of requirement or incentive to obtain your particular certification?

I greatly appreciate anyone willing to help me on this! I chose ER because it is something I am interested in doing in the future...

Thank you,


Specializes in Critical Care.

1. What certification do you have?

CNRN-Certified Neuroscience Registered Nurse

2. What are 3 benefits and 3 challenges to having your particular certification?


1) expanded knowledge that applies to my clinical practice

2) hospital/peer specialty recognition

3) differential pay


1) maintaining/obtaining enough CEUs for renewal (every 5 years).

2) specialty certification can be "too specialized" and at times I would prefer a broader knowledge base (such as CCRN critical care specialty).

3) cost-it's expensive to maintain membership with organizations and costly to renew certification. I still believe it's worth it.

3. Who is your employer and was there any kind of requirement or incentive to obtain your particular certification?

I'm employed at a university teaching hospital. This was not a requirement but definitely an incentive. We have resources for study materials, study groups, and access to review courses. As mentioned above, we also receive a differential pay increase.

Thanks so much for your quick response! Very interesting!

Specializes in ER, progressive care.

CNRN_Cali pretty much nailed it on the head. We do not have staff recognition regarding certifications, though. We do not have a lot of nurses at our hospital that are certified... only a very small handful. So instead of that, I would say (in addition to expanded knowledge), having a certification helps me provide better care to my patients.

I have my PCCN (progressive care certification) and our renewal periods are every 3 years. I need 100 CEU's in different categories in order to renew which is a lot.

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