Published May 27, 2015
48 Posts
HI everyone! This is my first post so bear with me :)
I have been an MA for years who has thought about going back to school for nursing FOREVER. I always talked myself out of it... convinced myself it was too much work and I couldn't do it.
I finally got up the nerve and applied for an LPN program a couple of towns away that has a great reputation and an excellent bridge program with some area colleges. It all happened very fast- I signed up to take the TEAS in two weeks, the last one I could pssibly take, not thinking I would even pass it. I studied for those two weeks and managed to not only pass it, but nail it :) Suddenly the school was "very interested" and setting me up for an interview, which I just had yesterday.
I think the interview went well and I think I really have a shot at this. 15 years of false starts and putting myself down and I feel like I am finally getting that ball rolling (even if I don't get in I plan on starting to chip away at some BSN classes this year)
So here is my situation- the day before I took my TEAS my husband got laid off. Obviously I didn't feel like I could really celebrate my scores the next day, although he was/is very very supportive. Then yesterday I have this good interview, and I'm really thinking that I have a chance at this and I'm so proud, and when I get home hubby is in the dumps about work stuff. I talked to my sister (who is usually my biggest fan besides my husband, and vice versa) who was very sweet, but who has so much going on in her own life that she forgot I even had the interview and was excited but distracted when I told her.
I feel like for other people the past couple of weeks for me may not be THAT exciting, but for me it really REALLY is. not only that it is going well, but that i'm DOING it. So i think that if/when I get accepted into the program I want to have my own lil "go me" celebration. I don't want to pout and be sad that people aren't more happy for me when I can certainly do something on my own.
any ideas?!?! what do i do?? i know it's very premature, but if I don't focus on something good and positive I am literally going to start counting the minutes until I hear from the school hahahaha. So what can I do, alone or with friends and family, to celebrate properly if I get in? nothing too expensive as I will (hopefully) have school to pay for soon, and hubs is still job seeking! mani/pedi? night out? ideas please! :)
588 Posts
Drink. A lot.
I mean, if you're into that sort of thing.
haha I'm not, usually... but in this case i could definitely make an exception