CCRN study tools


I’m looking to take my Ccrn soon. All I’ve studied is the barrons book questions and watched the Laura gasparis videos. I’m starting to look at sample questions online (that aren’t barrons) and I feel That the questions are way harder and cover material that was not in the book. Does anyone know if the questions were like the barrons book? Thanks! 

I found that they were easier than the Barrons questions. Focus on hemodynamics and cardiac. I used barron's flash cards and Nicole Kupchik and p***ed first try.

Specializes in Emergency Room and ICU/CVICU.

Nicole Kupchik’s review course is the best! I love her energy and she covers the curriculum so well. I think her course is much more pertinent to todays test. I did Barton’s and Laura Gasparis as well and Nicole Kupchik is definitely the best. 

On 2/14/2022 at 4:49 PM, ashley785 said:

I found that they were easier than the Barrons questions. Focus on hemodynamics and cardiac. I used barron's flash cards and Nicole Kupchik and p***ED first try.

Hi! Did they still have swan ganz questions? Didn’t they remove it?

Specializes in VV ECMO ICU, MSICU, Trauma ICU, MCICU, Neuro ICU.

I also recommend Nicole Kupchik's Ace the CCRN! Review Course with the online modules, Study Guide book, and practice review questions. Passed the CCRN yesterday 3/16/2022 on the first try! Good luck!

Focus on hemodynamics and cardiac (know IABPs, PA caths, MI, ACS, 12 leads, pharm, PAP, PAOP, PAWP, PAD, SvO2, CI, CO, SVR, etc. and know how the different shock states affect those factors - for example, SVR is decreased in septic shock due to increased capillary permeability from acidosis/vasodilation while it will be increased in cardiogenic shock due to vasoconstriction occurring as a compensatory mechanism to maintain BP; all the other shocks usually result in tachycardia while neurogenic shock might show bradycardia), electrolytes, neuro (I had a lot on brain death/reflex testing, head bleeds). I had a surprising amount of Professional Caring and Ethical Practice questions. If you're not comfortable with vents, vent settings, ABGs, I'd brush up on that, too! I work with VV ECMO and ARDS patients so I didn't have to study that much for that myself but I did get a lot of COPD questions so I'd freshen up on that as well. 

Good luck!

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