CCRI's Day Program in Lincoln for Spring 2014 - Anyone else apply?

U.S.A. Rhode Island


I just started the waiting game. If anyone knows when applicants will be notified of acceptance, please share the info. Best of luck to all who applied! :)

Hi everyone I just checked to see if there will be an open application period for October for nursing and there is not none all the seats are filled so hopefully we all got in and should be hearing any day now I would think good luck everyone hopefully the wait will be over soon

The wait is killing me lol

Momny42 how many points are you going in with?

Hi guys! So I went away for the weekend hoping to clear my mind of worries about all things nursing worked lol However now that I'm back I feel like I'm consumed with it :/

Anyways, how's everyone else doing?

Mbraga92 its crazy to have to stress bc your grades are excellent!!! Nursing programs are ridiculous bc they have you stressing over a B+...

How about everyone else what are your points? Maybe this applicant pool won't have the highest point total and we will all get in!!!

Mellymcbelly, why do you say it isn't a good sign that your degree eval was pulled last week? If one reads everyone's postings on this thread everybody had their's pulled last week. And... no one appears to have any clue as to the significance of having our degree eval's pulled; does it mean we are accepted or does it mean we are rejected?! No one knows. Sorry to be a downer but this thread has been riddled with so much anxiety an ativan is probably just the right prescription!!!

Tiffietaffy, mommy42 said she had 140 :)

Mellymcbelly, how many points do you have?

Eli25 how about you, what are your points?

Not being nosey guys I just know how helpful it was for me to read about the previous application period. I figured being this forum is pretty much anonymous it makes it easier to share.

I have 132 points I think

120 points I didn't do too good on dosage

Rundmc where did you apply?

Eli25 Im hoping we'll all do fine.

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