Published May 15, 2017
Anyone applying for the nursing program at CCRI for spring 2018?
I just took the HESI this morning, and I'm waiting on my final pre-requisite grade to be posted. (fingers crossed)
43 Posts
Thank you i hope we all get in this time and i have 177.9 so hopefully that's enough. Good luck everyone!
19 Posts
I think my refresh button is broken.... lol
9 Posts
They didn't email today so I bet it'll be next Friday unfortunately
the day is not over yet! 5:30 maybe?
1 Post
Hello! I applied for the Spring 2018 program, Warwick was my first choice. I took all my pre req's this summer. I had several people in my classes that were re-taking them for higher grades. Soo they scared me into getting 198.4 points. I'm fairly certain im in but the suspense is still killing me.. thats how I found this page. So from the comments it looks like we might find out next week!? Good Luck Everyone!
holy sausages! thats high!! Congrats!!!
7 Posts
Will they only email on a Friday? Or is it possible that we will hear at any point this week?
Wow that's an amazingly high grade! Congratulations :)
I'm sure its possible to hear during the week, but from what I hear its usually on Fridays. I wonder if they'll tell us if we call the admissions office
Someone called last week and they were told that they would hear last Friday 9/15/17 so I'm not sure if they even really know when they're going to be sending them out
They just sent out emails!!!!
Nevermind they just got sent!!!!