Published Jan 17, 2020
20 Posts
Hello everyone! I made this chatroom for anyone that applied for the Summer 2020 EL-MSN Cohort at Cal Baptist. Has anyone heard back yet? ; ^ ;
8 Posts
Hi there! Haven’t heard anything yet! Were you able to get your application in for the early application deadline??
No, I did not! I heard it improves your chances of getting of getting an interview, though. I wonder if they're using the same system as last year: 50 interviewees and 40 accepted.
I was able to get to get the early priority and get an interview for sure! So I’m just waiting for a date I guess!!
Should be any day now I think!
That's good news! What were your stats if you don't mind me asking?
Honestly not amazing I think my gpa is around a 3.3 and I got an 83% overall on the teas. Wbu?
Niceee. My average for the three GPAs calculated were around 3.4 and I scored above a 90 on my TEAS. Still worried and don't know what to expect honestly.
Oh I’m sure you’ll be good!! All we can do now is just wait and pray!!
Thank you. I'll be praying for you, too. ?
7 Posts
Hey guys! I also applied to the summer 2020 ELMSN cycle and am still nervously waiting to hear back! I was looking at some previous posts and noticed people hearing back around Jan 23rd so I'm trying to stay positive ? , praying for us!!
I also reached out to one of the nursing student coordinators and she said we will hear back by Jan 31st for certain. Let me know if you guys get updates!
Hello! That’s great news. I will be praying for all of us. Hopefully we hear back soon!! ?