Case Western Reserve - 2019 entry

Nursing Students SRNA


Just checking in...currently waiting to hear back from Case Western for 2019 admission. I saw a post from last year and a lot of people were receiving notifications and invitations to interview at this time last year. Anyone hear anything back from them yet?

The cost is substantial but the programs that I have gotten into have comparable costs and absolutely no aid or opportunities offered. If you have alternatives ... this may sound nerdy but do a pros and cons list as well as anticipated costs, including living costs. Hope that helps.

Specializes in ICU.

haha. I love pro/con lists. Made one on excel to compare.

Are you attending the visit day for accepted students?

It is highly unlikely that I will attend the timing is inconvenient.

Hello everyone, has anyone applied and heard anything yet for the 2020 admission for Case and Cleveland Clinic?

1 minute ago, fm3533 said:

Hello everyone, has anyone applied and heard anything yet for the 2020 admission for Case and Cleveland Clinic?

We are the 2019 entry - we're in school already. You should make a new thread so your cohort can see it.

Thank you for the message CFRN1088. Do you have any pointers for the interview? Congrats on getting in btw!!

1 hour ago, fm3533 said:

Thank you for the message CFRN1088. Do you have any pointers for the interview? Congrats on getting in btw!!

Its pretty straightforward, they want to know how well you know your current job as a nurse, so they'll ask you about the drugs you use, patients you see, their diseases... If you know those, you're good.

Thank you so much!!

Specializes in MICU.

Hi! I know this is the last cohort, but I'm wondering how long after the last interview date offered, did you guys find out whether you got in?

Last year I got my acceptance letter via email on Sept. 28th

Specializes in MICU.

@BTMICU Thanks! When was the last date of interviews offered? The last interview day offered this year was Sept 30.

I think Sept. 17th

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