Published Sep 29, 2013
72 Posts
This may seem like a no brainer question, but I feel like either I'm overthinking it or missing something completely, so I am looking for some help. I am doing a cardiac case study and my patient has just been discharged with an order for nitro. The question asks what statement would show that the patient requires further teaching?
a) "At the first sign of chest pain, I will stop what I'm doing and sit down"
b) "I will place one nitroglycerin tablet under my tongue"
c) "If the chest pain does not stop, I can take another tablet in 5 minutes"
d) My husband will need to call 911 if the chest pain does not stop after three nitro tablets"
Now, at first I thought A; because many doctors tell you that you should take the nitro before activities that could cause angina and therefore head the pain off- but the question doesn't ask about that and I feel I'm reading into it too much.
B is correct as far as I know.
C gave me pause only because some doctors want you to call then after the first dose does not work and they may tell you to go right to the ER rather than take another dose after waiting 5 minutes. Again, reading too much?
D is correct, I believe.
So is this a trick question?? All answers seem fairly reasonable to me. Sorry if this is a bonehead question but I could use some input! Thank you :)
273 Posts
ugh, horribly worded responses. But, I think maybe it's B, because it's the only one that is just a simple statement with no follow up. if it said, I will take one nitro and reassess in 5 minutes, or I'll sit down and take one nitro then that would be different. Also - the question stem doesn't say anything about chest pain, so you can't assume that it's a given. So....B doesn't mention anything about chest pain or problems, just says to take a nitro. Well, take a nitro for what? Without the chest pain in the answer (as it is in the other three) you can't assume that the pt is talking about taking a nitro after chest pain.
7 Posts
I will think (d) because the pt suppose to call 911 after the first dose of nitro not after you take 3 because, Ems suppose to be their before the 3rd pill is used. The reason i did not say © is because they can take another after 5 minutes if the pt is still experiencing chest pain.
Kuriin, BSN, RN
967 Posts
You're supposed to take three pills first before doing anything. If by then it does not alleviate the pain, call 911 ASAP because that's bad. B is technically correct because it can be sublingual thus you need to place it under the tongue. It's either A or B.