Carpal Tunnel ???

Specialties Orthopaedic


Is it possible to get carpal tunnel from rotator cuff surgery? I never expirenced symptoms of carpal tunnel prior to surgery. Symptoms following rotator cuff surgery include coldness, numbness, pain, inability to close hand into fist and fingernails growing at faster rate than nails on other hand. Had nerve conduction study by surgeon associate and was told I have SEVERE CAPRAL TUNNEL and needed surgery ASAP. When I informed my surgeon that I was seeking a second opinion, his reply to that was..."I don't know exactly what happened to your hand." I find it rather strange that is was so adament about have carpal tunnel surgery UNTIL I told him of the sencond opinion. Any input will be greatly appreciated. By the way....the shoulder is doing great.

Are there physicians that specialize in "hands" and would they be able to distingusih between the two. Carpal Tunnel surgery will be useless if this is why have the surgery if the diagnosis isn't without a doubt Carpal Tunnel.......I need some definitive answers here. I think I should get another opinion a long way out of town from where I had my surgery. Good idea?????

Yeah, actually, my program director is one of the best hand surgeons in the United States. He is in St. Louis. PM me if you are interested. Is the Nerve conduction study in question? If it is then I need to retract my "get the surgery" statements. And, of course, getting a second opinion is always a good idea when the diagnosis is in doubt.

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