careplan for steroid window


Hello everyone

I have been volunteered to create a care plan for steroid injections to get moms in their "steroid window" any suggestions on what needs to be on the careplan?

Specializes in L&D.

Is this a nursing care plan/nursing management guideline? I'm also not sure what you mean by "steroid window".

What we have (roughly...don't have policy in front of me here):

Betamethasone 12 mg IM given 12 or 24 hours apart, times two doses, equals one course of treatment.

Nursing assessment/interventions:

Blood glucose monitoring in the GDM patient - may need SS insulin coverage

WBC may falsely elevate, may mask other s/s of underlying infection -- watch for other s/s of infection (temp, etc)

Fetal surveillance r/t maternal condition for need for steroid therapy (continous EFM/intermittent EFM/toco only/auscultate only, etc)

Patient education re: use of steroid therapy, expected effects/benefits to fetus

List side effects/adverse effects

List expected outcomes

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