Career Exploratory Project


I am a student, going to be an OB nurse. We are assigned to do a project to Interview somebody in the career we are going for. I have been to my local hospitals and even my own home OBGYN, trying to schedule appointments with the OB nurses, but they have not been able to get me in soon enough. I was wondering if I could get some help. If an OB nurse could help me out by answering these questions for me, I would be entirely appreciated. :)

* What drew you to this profession?

* How much education did you complete and where?

* Please describe a typical day in your work week. What do you do on a daily basis?

* What are your favorite aspects of your job?

* What are your least favorite aspects of your job?

* What frustrates you the most on the job?

* How many hours per week do you work? Do you control your schedule?

* How stable is your job? Do you worry about losing your job?

* How much stress do you experience from your work? When you are not at work, how often do you think or worry about aspects of your work?

* What's your advice to someone thinking of entering this field?

Specializes in OB, Women’s health, Educator, Leadership.

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