Published Mar 1, 2011
13 Posts
I'm writing a care plan and have all the risk for (thermoregulation, impaired gas exchange, etc) but I wanted to include a risk for injury or something to do with the communication barrier between the new mom and the hospital staff. She spoke very little English (I'm a student, so I'm sure they will get a translator for her) but what would an appropriate Dx be for that with regard to the baby? I was thinking something like Risk for Injury r/t ineffective communication and health teaching with mother but I can't think of the appropriate verbiage. Thanks~!
83 Posts
Maybe you can try
Dx: Caregiver Role Strain r/t Ineffective verbal communication.
Caregiver has knowledge deficit regarding management of care due to the language barrier between nurse and caregiver.
I don't think there is necessarily a feasible risk for injury but rather a deficit of knowledge & language barrier which we can provide education and use a language the parent understands.
I have never used this, but I think its reasonable.
Good Luck!
Thanks that sounds good. I didn't mean that the baby was at greater risk for injury because of the mom not speaking english, just that the communication barrier could lead to ineffective health teaching which could then put mom in a position of not knowing how to handle a situation. The care plan is for the baby though, not the mom so not sure if I can include that. Thanks for your help!