Care plan HELP


Hi everyone,

This will be my 3rd care plan and I'm having a real hard time. My patient is an 83 yr old male. Came into hospital a week ago for nausea. It was determined he had pancreatitis. Today was my first day taking care of him, during my shift all stats were normal. Respiration was a bit high at 22. Surgery was moved up during my shift and was unable to assess patient for any other irregularites other than respiration. Chart identified CO2 at 31 which is low. Patient could walk without assistance, able to care for self, was placed on NPO, alert and oriented, not depressed, very talkative, expressed wanting to go home. Was diagnosed with adult onset diabetes, glucose during my shift was 160.

My instructor does not what a diagnosis written with "risk of" so what can i write about? Any suggestions would be appreciated. THANK YOU :)

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

This patient has a lot going on: pancreatitis, new onset diabetes, and he is having surgery--what kind of surgery? For what? What have the nurses been doing for this man for the past week?

Could you possibly use knowledge defict for the newly dx diabetes? I am new at this too. That is the only thing that "popped" out at me right away.

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