cardiology nursing interview test

Nurses Career Support



I am a new grad going into my first interview which happens to be for a cardiology unit, HR advised me of a test I will have to take. Any idea what will be on this test? how do I best prepare?


Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

Since US nursing education is designed to produce generalists, no one expects new grads to have any advanced knowledge of specialty areas. Is the information from this "test" going to be used to determine whether you should be hired or is it going to be used to develop an orientation plan for you? You have a right to know - ask the HR person you're working with. S/he should also be able to provide you with some summary information about the content.

Best of luck to you on launching your career.


Thanks for replying,

In Ontario Canada, employers expect you to get extra certification in order to be eligible to work for these positions ( Coronary Care 1, Coronary Care 2 , ACLS ) so she told me that testing will be generic 'nursing testing' and then more testing specific information pertaining to cardiac rhythms, medications, and other treatments. I really want this position and so I am trying to prepare myself as much as possible.

In ontario, new grads usually have to work in long-term care, clinics, or rehabs before attaining a position like this so I feel very lucky and want to do the best I can for this amazing opportunity.

Thank you so much for responding,

If you have any further information you believe I should review before this interview or any tips I would really appreciate it!


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