Published Nov 23, 2005
105 Posts
I am also a nurse, who recently underwent a cardiac cat (femoral approach) - it was a week on Monday. My healing process was/is not going to good as I constantly have pain in my right lower quadrant. I also have ecchymosis in my umbilicas. Well, today I've had a CT of the ABD and have a small hematoma formation. My cardiologist stated that it should heal on its own, but also suggested that I may want to seek the opinion of a vascular surgeon. At this pointl, I am in pain and starting a new job tomorrow night (11-7). I opted not to see a vascular surgeon at this time.
I have two questions: Can anyone suggest any home remedies to tx the hematoma and how long do these things take to resolve - 2-4 weeks?
Any info would be appreciated.
435 Posts
Hey Mariannssi
I hope your cath results were OK. (You didn't say.)
A hematoma is a painful thing. The iron in the hemoglobin (which of course binds the O2 to the RBC--so pretty important) is very chemically active and binds/reacts with lots of chemical reactions that involve our tissues and fluids.
Of course, the time it takes to absorb it depends on where it is (inside muscle tissue? in the peritoneum?) and how much blood was spilled.
I'd guess that the main source of your pain is inflamation and would recommend NSAIDs. Also if your hematoma is somewhat peripheral (in the anterior thigh?) would try a heating pad (increase the absorption rate/blood flow/lymph congestion).
Good Luck
Papaw John
steelcityrn, RN
964 Posts
I Would Take The Cardiologist Advice And Try To Get A Late Afternoon Appt. Can Never Be Too Careful
180 Posts
I think there are a couple things that need answered here. Firstly, did they use a closure device?? If so what type. I've seen more problems with closure devices than with good old fashioned manual pressure, as a result, I really don't like them. If you have ecchymosis to that extent you likely have a Retroperitoneal Hematoma. I would also be concerned with the likelihood of an AV fistula or a Pseudoaneurysm if he mentioned a Vasc. Surgeon, did they do and Ultra Sound of the insertion site??? If it is an uncomplicated hematoma, it should likely resolve over the next 2 wks. or so. Hope that helps a little.
75 Posts
The extent of your ecchymosis to umbilicus is significant. Plus you are in pain. I REALLY think you should ask the cardiologist to send you for a PVL. I can't believe he didn't look into it first before passing the buck to a vascular surgeon. I would be persistant. He did the cath, he should follow up on that.
Did you take it easy post cath? Have you been pushing, pulling anything heavy over the last week? Was the ecchymosis there post cath or did it show up later? Did you have any rebleeds post cath?
Follow up ... let us know how things go.