Capital Health System school of nursing Fall 2010


Hello everyone,

I am wondering if anybody got accepted into the Capital Health System School of Nursing for Fall of 2010. I start in July and would like to meet people prior to beginning the summer UAP course. I do not know anybody going into the program and it would make it a lot more comfortable if I knew a few people before getting started!

Looking forward to hearing back from anyone!


hello klmd09, I'm finishing up my first year at capital health, if you have any questions bout your first year or the program, feel free to contact me


hi thanks for replying. how is the uap summer course? and what is a gist of info covered in the first year? im starting to get very nervous. also, is it very in about how many hours out of class do you devote a week to studying

Well welcome to capital health :), Ill see you in the Fall to welcome you as a freshmen, UAP is basic stuff, like a nursing aide would be doing in a hospital based job, how to take BP, pulses ect. Yeah, nervous is all apart of Nursing school, Studying its a lot of studying sometimes people in your family wonder where you are at cause your locked in your room studying power points and NCLEX questions. LOL but its all worth it. I study 2 weeks before the test basically doing a little everyday and studying Saunders Comprehensive NCLEX review book. Nursing 1 is basically your nursing assessment course all the stuff you learn to do your own Nurse Assesment on a patient. Nursing 2 is cardiac,pulmonary,musculoskeletal, integumentary and respiratory

Well thank you very much for your help :) please let me know if you come across anyone else starting in Fall 2010. Oh yeah one more are the instructors? im hoping they are helpful and open to questions.

All, the instructors have their own different knacks, they all good teachers, and some are more difficult in clinical and class (as in terms of critically thinking) , but in overall they all are great teachers, they want you to succeed , so they are open to any questions or concerns you have. I only knew 2 people coming into freshmen year but you'll get to be a big nursing class full of friends because with nursing school you will have theses friends forever since going through alot of stuff with them

that is great to know thanks again. so when u say critical thinking what types of questions do they worried about clinicals because thats something i have had 0 experience with.

well, I know alot of students that don't have clinical experience , you learn to get comfortable with everything in nursing 1 from your nursing physical assessment class, as a freshmen you don't really start clinical's until about november so you only have like 5 weeks of clinical for nursing 2, most of the first semester of Nursing 1 and 2 is basically skills labs learning how to give injections,foley catherers, nasogastric tubes ect. As far as critical thinking, Nursing questions are different then just every class you have taken in your life time, you have to take hte actual concept like pathophysiology and your giving a question pertaining to that pathophysiology but they wont actually give you the "definition of the disease" its kinda hard to explain. you have to read a situtation in the question and if you know the patho of the actual disease then you know that BP would be low, the pulse would be high, the urine output should be and thats how its basically critical thinking because you have a question you have to apply applications and anaylsis it. Its not just memorizing the material you need to know how to apply it, i hope this examples it , only real way to know it is getting an NCLEX review book and reading the questions


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