Published Apr 28, 2012
10 Posts
Hello All
I just received my acceptance letter to the CCCC evening, program for Sept 2012. I am looking to connect with others who will be in the program.
Look forward to hearing from some of you!
12 Posts
Congratulations Bridget, I'm just finishing up the evening program at CCCC (last 2 finals this week)!
If you ever have any questions, send them my way!
I hope your finals went well for you! Thank you for sending the email re: CCCC night ADN program. I would love to ask you a few questions.
I have been told multiple things by CCCC re: the program schedule. They said to plan on Mon-Wed nights 6-10 and every other Saturday and Sunday from 7-3 for clinicals. Is that about right? The open house I went to prior to my starting the pre reqs did not have weekends but now the program does. Seems to be more hours than the other nursing programs out there. Also, they said it is a good idea to practice labs on Fridays. Have you been working while going to school? If so, how has that been?
I was able to change my work schedule (I work at Jordan) to Mon, Wed, and Thursday 8-5 so I am hoping that will be a good fit for the CCCC program's schedule as well. Any particular advice in terms of studying techniques or professors at CCCC? Have you been happy w/the program? Thank you again!
You are right about that schedule Mon-Wed 6-10 (sometimes you will end early) and every other Sat-Sun 7-3 for clinicals. The day students don't do weekends so maybe it was just a mix-up with the day schedule during the open house. As for the practice labs every month Laura will send out an open lab schedule so you can pick and choose which to attend (I never went to any). Everyone is different, but I worked 24 flex 40 hours 3rd shift in an ER while going to school so daytime labs never really worked for me.:zzzzz
As for advice...tape the lectures, especially ****, when you get your calendar at the beginning of the semester start anything you can early...don't always wait until last minute...though we all did!
There were mixed fellings throughout about the program but I loved it, it's difficult, time consuming, rigorous and intense. Everything they told you about having no social life and getting family and friends to help out is VERY true. My 3.85 GPA went out the window because there are NO 100's in nursing school but I passed, i'm done, wouldn't change a thing and along the way I made some great friends that will soon hopefully become colleagues.
PS...On the first night pick your seat wisely, decide where you really want to sit because people become territorial about their seat so the seat you pick will be yours until the end!!
If I think of anything else I will post it and if you have anymore questions...ask away!!!
RN_SummerSeas, MSN, APRN, NP
184 Posts
Hello AllI just received my acceptance letter to the CCCC evening, program for Sept 2012. I am looking to connect with others who will be in the program.Look forward to hearing from some of you!Bridget
Congratulations and good luck you will need it!
I am graduating from CCCC ADN next week. There are so many things no one will tell you until you are already in the thick of it, wish I'd found this board before I started!
First they tell you the evening schedule is Mon Tue Wed 6-10 e/o/w then the other week is clinical Mon Wed Sat-M & 6-10 and Sat 7-330, this is false they have it in the brochure that way but the clinical instructors do not want to do clinical on week nights. You will have lab on Wed from 6-10 (in the first and maybe second semester, 3rd and 4th you get bumped down to only 6-8 even though you are paying for the full 4 hours) you will have clinical on Sat and Sun from 6:45 (need to be there early for report) on the floor until about 1pm then post conference. You will most likely have to go to your clinical site on Friday afternoon/evening to get your clinical assignments and then spend all friday night working on your pathophysiology paper due the next a.m. (APA format) and your med cards.
The lecture content is packed into those 3 evening and sometimes go fast, many people found taping the lectures to be helpful. Take notes especially with ** and listen to her and pay attention she will give you a LOT of useful information.
This program is VERY set in it's ways and does not change for anyone or anything, they are their own entity. The tests can be tough and they often throw out or accept multiple answers, which can be frustrating. The 3 dimensional analysis tests that you take in semester 2-take them very seriously, practice your math, both day and evenings will lose people to those tests, you need 85% between the 3 and people have been dropped for .5 of a point. Third semester the tests are out of control hard, I don't know why that one semester is awful and we had people fail out based on those. 4th semester test 3 is killer and test 4 and the final are also pretty tough-not as brutal as test 3. This pattern will repeat for your class because they don't really change things and this is also how past classes have been.
**** is right people are VERY territorial about their seats so show up early if you want anywhere near the front! Eventually everyone will sit in the seat they pick for the full 2 years. Try and make friends with your first clinical group and people you sit near, it's easier when you have allies. Your clinical group will have similar people for the first 2 semesters, they change you up 3rd semester (just when you are comfy with your group) and 4th sometimes you are back with part of your old group.
Clinical instructors-some great some not so great so that is a crapshoot, hope you get a good one you will learn a lot! I do suggest open labs if you can go to them, they can be helpful especially when it comes time for skills testing. You pair up for that so find a good partner in your clinical/lab group (they are the same). Try to go to practice labs together.
There is not a lot of prep you can do this summer, but if they give you any reading assignments from your Fundamentals book read them. Over Christmas break you will be given work to do, don't put it off it's better to have it out of the way! It is stuff for your pedi, maternity rotations next spring.
I suggest taking pharmacology over the summer and not at the same time as you take NUR 108, but if you have to do that take it with **** is also with **. ** is the best part of the evening program, you will have a huge advantage with testing and NCLEX over the day students.
They will tell you that even though there is a day class and a night class you are all one program, not true!!! They are 2 completely separate and different programs that do not intermingle and the day pretty much runs the show as far as nursing club etc. You pay to be in nursing club, it is part of your fee's so if you can go-go, if not remember you are a member no matter what so even if you never go it's great for your resume!
The day students get more lab and clinical experience but the night gets more critical thinking skills.
I won't lie it was a tough 2 years and I am so thankful I am done and it is OVER! It was VERY VERY tough, I will not lie because no one told me how hard it really is, during the info session when they make it sound like it is going to take over your life and it seems so exaggerated-they are NOT kidding. It is a lot of work, a lot of time, a huge commitment and you will have struggles. Try to make friends in the class it makes it so much easier to get through!
Sorry for the novel but this info I am giving you is what I wish I had known in advance!
OH and the ONE book you want to buy on top of the massive pile you get this fall is the SAUNDERS NCLEX prep, this book is crucial! Get the newest version and use it always. It summarizes what you learn in lecture and has questions similar to your exams. Be sure to use the CD for online questions it will help you tremendously!
Good luck!!!!!
please private message me if you want the initials or instructor I was mentioning.
I would love to private message you but because I am new to the site I have to have 15 acceptable posts before I am allowed to private message.
I have been accepted to a day program (Massasoit) which schedule wise is better for family/life balance--I have 3 kids. I haven't heard anything negative about the program. My husband is more in favor of my attending Massasoit at this point.
I work three days a week at a job I love at the Jordan. My plan for the past two years has been CCCC night program and keep my day job and have better job prospect when graduating, tuition, etc... but now I have been hearing so much negative about CCCC's night program that I am worried. The schedule will be tough not two ways about it. Would anyone be open for a call? My email is [email protected]. I have to decide soon which program. I am fortunate to have gotten into both but want to make the right decision. If you could do it again, would you do CCCC?
I would love to private message you but because I am new to the site I have to have 15 acceptable posts before I am allowed to private message. I have been accepted to a day program (Massasoit) which schedule wise is better for family/life balance--I have 3 kids. I haven't heard anything negative about the program. My husband is more in favor of my attending Massasoit at this point.I work three days a week at a job I love at the Jordan. My plan for the past two years has been CCCC night program and keep my day job and have better job prospect when graduating, tuition, etc... but now I have been hearing so much negative about CCCC's night program that I am worried. The schedule will be tough not two ways about it. Would anyone be open for a call? My email is [email protected]. I have to decide soon which program. I am fortunate to have gotten into both but want to make the right decision. If you could do it again, would you do CCCC?
I sent you an email as this site is to public and they like to edit posts.
*too public!