Canyon College Course?


Ok so I have been researching the heck out of this, and ran across this course. Its 900 dollars, and self paced which is perfect for me. Any cons to it? I for sure can not afford the VMI course, as I am currently putting my husband through law school. The 900 will be a stretch! Im a super self motivated learn on my own kind of person. This uses the aalnc book, and seems credible. I work 50 hours a week as an ob gyn nurse right now, and do not have time to take off for a six day seminar, nor do I want to leave my 3 year old for that long!! So what do you think? Obviously with my hsuband going to be a lawyer (plus many of our friends already are, they are the ones who told me I should look into doing this!) I will have good contacts to start with.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Hello and welcome to

Glad you joined us.

I looked at the course content and it appears all inclusive. I'm sure it will serve you well and hope you enjoy the course. Good luck.

Sounds as if you will have a head start with your marketing since you already have contacts. That is a plus!!!!

I wish you much good luck with your career goals.

Hope you enjoy the site here at

Specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg.

Hello obrhoda! Welcome to allnurses and the legal nurse forum.

Good luck with your course. Keep us informed of your progress.

Hi ObRhoda

I took the Canyon College Course. The only thing that bothered me was the typos in the exams...didn't look very professional!

I think you get out of a program what you are willing/able to put into it.

For reasons similar to yours, I couldn't do an internship or a seminar, etc, and the AALNC course didn't exist then.

I was happy with it. It increased my own personal view of my credibility.

Not sure it would ever "impress" any clients, but I think it shows initiative to educate oneself.

Best Regards


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