Cant decide

Specialties Critical


I am stuck between wanting to start off in Med/Surg or diving right into STICU after graduation. Any thoughts?

Specializes in Critical Care/CVICU.

This really depends on you and your goals. You have to do some deep introspection and decide if you think you’re mature and thick-skinned enough to be a new grad in the ICU. Being a new nurse is hard without adding the stress of ICU. Also, is the ICU you’re applying to very supportive of their new nurses/new grads? Any kind of additional education they provide you/a residency? 

If you’re ready to learn, are teachable and can be corrected when needed, and are able to hold it together in life or death situations, then go for it! 
New grad nurses CAN succeed in ICU. 

I say dive right in! I was a new grad in the ICU. The first year was tough. I was pregnant (wobbling like a penguin to a crashing pregnant at 8 months is hard). Then I had a newborn and was coming to work on 3-5 hours of sleep for awhile. 

BUT it was totally worth it. 9 years later and I am so glad I did it. I love ICU nursing. Ask questions, read the notes in the chart, Google what you don't know. Just be willing to put in the work that first year to two to be able to feel comfortable in the ICU. 

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