Canadian Nurses in US


I am a Canadian nurse who has been working in the US since 1990. I never did the nclex exam because it was not needed for endorsement at that time. I am looking to relocate to Tn or NC and am trying to find the easiest way to aquire endorsement without doing the nclex.:sniff: If I have to do the nclex is there a state where it would be easier to complete the nclex?Thanks:bow::sniff:

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to a post in the International forum as per the red banner

Have you discussed with the states BON as they may let you endorse without NCLEX but they may ask for it and therefore no way round it. Which ever state you go to you will have to meet their requirements for foreign trained nurse and the process can take on average 4-6 months

Thanks, What is BON?

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

BON is board of nursing and they issue licenses and even when endorsing you have to complete application pay fees etc. Each state has their own website and you can find links top right under the yellow tab Resources

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