Canadian nurse in Saudi Arabia


Hi there,

I have a question for you lovely Canadian nurses who have experienced working in Saudi. My question is focused on the tax free income/Canadian Revenue Agency. Specifically, did you take a LOA from your job in Canada or completely terminate your position. I know you're supposed to make it look like you never intend to return to Canada in order to get the tax-free income...but I was wondering if they really notice if your job is just on hold here (I really don't want to give up my 5 years seniority...I just want to take 1.5 years off and come back to my job in Toronto). Otherwise I have no property or dependents and am fine with closing my bank accounts, cancelling my OHIP, etc. The agency I spoke to made it sound like it would put me at risk of possibly not getting the tax free income but it sounds very wishy-washy.

Thanks so much if you know anything about this, or can direct me to someone who has had real experience with this!

Find out if you can take a 1.5 year leave from work. My employer will only give a year, max and for a very good reason.

Recommend you speak to a taxation expert and find out if your plan can be considered tax evasion or tax avoidance. Also, if you can be identified by your user name suggest you change it to something more anonymous.

Hi katiecee,

I am a canadian nurse who is interested in working in saudi arabia.could you please help me how to apply.thanks

@harvy_syl, you apply through an agency, one agency that some nurses have used in the past is helen ziegler and associates.

Thanks but I have no experience as a nurse her in Canada because there are no jobs in you know any agencies to middle east aside from helen ziegler?thanks

I am not familiar with the names of the other agencies, but there are a number of agencies if you do a google search.

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