Can they do this to me?????

Specialties NP


Specializes in Med-Surg, LTACH, FNP.


SO, to make a very long story short-

I was the VICTIM of a crime. I was at my FIRST day of my OB/Gyn clinical practicum and State Police showed up to notify me. If was very discreet and I stepped outside of the office to talk to them.

Needless to say, I was very shook up about the whole ordeal. I told my preceptor IMMEDIATELY what was going on and YES- that I was distracted! Wouldn't you be if on your first day of clinical State Police showed up and informed you of traffic news?

Anyhow, my preceptor re-assured me over and over again that everything was OK and that she was sorry I was going through that. I finished the day to the best of my ability and told her I'd see her next week.

TWO DAYS LATER I receive notice that because of that day, I'm being KICKED OUT of that clinical location! Don't get me wrong- I know that we as students are guests in any facility/ institution that helps us to succeed in our learning- but I had this site set up almost a YEAR in advance (you all KNOW how hard it is to find preceptors), AND- I didn't do anything wrong!

Now, as a result. I have no preceptor and its in the middle of the semester. Because I can't finish, I fail the course and its not offered for another YEAR. Meaning my graduation is now pushed back a year.

Can they do this to me??? Do I have any sort of rights or protections as a victim to a crime? IS there some sort of morality clause in the contracts that our learning institutions set up with those who agree to be our preceptors? Or are we all at risk? Can any preceptor for no good reason just screw us out of a grade and tuition whenever they feel like it?

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