Published Dec 20, 2014
1 Post
I'm still a high school student so I dont know much on how to get a bsn. I went online and did some research but I'm still very confused. I want to go to Sacramento state to complete my prerequisites first but I heard that it's very hard to get into their bsn program after you complete your prereqs because its in very high demand which is why there are so many people who are waitlisted for so long. But I was wondering if it was possible to complete my prereqs in sac state and then apply to usf (the private school in sf) to complete my last two years? if not then please clarify. Thank you!
583 Posts
Yes you should be able to transfer credits if it meets the schools requirements.
3,677 Posts
A few things-
There is no wait list for Sac State. You have to reapply each cycle. That's how the CSUs all work. None run off of a wait list. Only ADN programs run off of a wait list, and not all of them do. They vary from program to program.
Next, why waste your money doing prereqs at a university? Do them at a community college to save your money, and THEN transfer to a BSN program. All (reputable) schools accept transfer credits from a community college.
The more programs you apply to, the better. You increase the odds of being accepted somewhere by applying to more schools. You will want to do everything in your power to keep your GPA as high as humanly possible, because even programs like USF, Dominican, SMU, etc. are impacted.
Many BSN programs are actually 3 years, especially through the private universities. Some of the CSUs are moving to a 2 year model, but not all have yet. I doubt the private universities will be motivated to do so any sooner than necessary because they get to collect that extra year of tuition.