Published Mar 23, 2014
105 Posts
Thank you for anyone that helps me & bare with me this is only my 2nd one we've done. The first one, didn't have many instructor marks on it, so I hope I can pull it off again with this one.
Primary medical diagnosis: CHF
Other medical diagnoses: HTN, Obstructive sleep apnea, Hx of mini-strokes / TIA's, COPD with emphysema.
Abnormal Lab data: RBC 5.45, Hbg 16.9, Hct 47.2, K 5.6, Glucose 103, Albumin 3.4, Alkaline Phosphatase 149
EKG: Sinus Rhythm w/ borderline L bundle branch block w/ widened QRS. Pt had 7 beats of V-tach the night before.
CXR: Cardiomegaly & mild central pulmn. congestion with l-basilar atelectasis & stable emphysema.
Vital Signs:
0800: R-arm: 160 / 90, 97.1, 24, 70.
0900: R-arm: 168 / 108
1245: R-arm: 204 / 98 L-arm: 168 / 94
5L of O2 via NC
Rate = 24
Rhythm = Regular with occasional SOB.
Depth = Deep
Cough = Productive & was grayish yellow.
Breath sounds = Sibilant wheezes in all lobes
O2 Sat = 93%
Has long history of smoking & quit 4 days ago.
Does use accessory muscles on occasion.
Pt requested breathing tx at 0809, 1005, 1230.
Other than that most other things were normal.
Nursing diagnoses:
Decreased Cardiac Output r/t impaired cardiac function
- Supporting data:
1.) EKG results of L-bundle branch block w/ widened QRS.
2.) 7 V-tach beats on 03/20/14
3.) BP readings varied throughout the day.
4.) Alkaline phosphatase was 149
5.) Albumin was 3.4
6.) Pt fatigues very easily
7.) Pt on 5L of N2 via NC
8.) +2 non-pitting edema in ankles
Impaired gas exchange r/t excess fluids in interstitial space of lungs
1.) CO2 levels at 33
2.) O2 sat: 93%
3.) Adventitious breath sounds (sibilant wheezes)
4.) COPD w/ emphysema
5.) CXR shows mild pulmonary congestion
6.) Dyspnea / SOB
7.) Deep breathing + pursed lip breathing
8.) Pt requested multiple breathing treatments
9.) Productive cough
Activity Intolerance r/t generalized weakness
- Supporting data
1.) Pt fatigues very easily
2.) Arthritis in knees & back
3.) Respirations increase to about 28-30 when moving positions
Risk for impaired skin integrity r/t presence of edema
- supporting data
1.) Braden scale of 20
2.) Age 74
3.) Obese
4.) Altered circulation
5.) Non-pitting edema +2
6.) Pt only walks short distances
Readiness for enhanced self health management:
1.) Pt said she's trying to stop smoking & stopped 4 days & has been on nicotine patch since she came to ER.
2.) Pt said she does watch her Na+ intake at home
3.) Pt is trying to lose weight.
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
I think it is well done....she needs some aggressive treatment of her B/P and diuretics for the failure for that is what is plaguing her right now.
DO you need only 3 ND and 2 risk?
I see a few others.
Ya she's on LASIX & aldactone for the swelling. I think they upped her LASIX because her potassium went to 5.7 possibly due to the aldactone & upped her lisinopril to 20mg from 10mg.
and our teacher just wants 7 nursing diagnoses all togethe
The other one I came up with was risk for falls r/t weakness.
- supporting data:
hx of falls, seizures
pt on ACE inhibitors & lasix
85 morse fall
edema in ankles
Peripheral blindnes in left eye
uses a cane are a few I see
Excess Fluid Volume: edema
Impaired physical Mobility: cane SOB
Imbalanced Nutrition: more than body requirements obesity
Ineffective Health Maintenance : still smoking