U.S.A. New Jersey
Published Apr 4, 2005
cardiacRN2006, ADN, RN
4,106 Posts
Hey everybody there in NJ! I live in Arizona, and would love to move to NJ...I have read a little about salary rates, but I'm wondering what a new grad would make per hour working days? I loved the Morris plains area, (my mother worked at St Barnabus as a traveler). Can a new grad go right into an ICU out there? The nursing shortage is so bad here in AZ that I can go anywhere I want, any shift I want...but the pay is so-so. Any info would help! Thanks
5 Posts
hi cardiacrn2006,
i live in nj and i graduated from nursing school last may. i've been working at a pediatrician's office since i graduated, but i wanted a hospital nursing experience. when i decided to apply to nearby hospitals, they considered me a new grad even though i've been out of school for a year since i lacked hospital experience. i was recently hired for the neonatal intensive care unit at a major medical center. so, yes, a new grad is able to be hired into a critical care area. i have to admit that i did come across some difficulty getting on the nicu unit since most hospitals want nurses with experience, but you will be able to locate a hospital that is willing to hire new grads on these units. good luck!
LadyT618, MSN, APRN, NP
659 Posts
Nurse Internships in Critical Care: http://www.virtua.org/page.cfm?nav_id=242
http://www.cooperhealth.org/content/Fact.asp (look under nursing paragraph)
This is all I found when I googled. Maybe you can find some more. Wish you the best of luck!