Can I be an ICU nurse if I came from an ortho floor?


  1. What floor would be best fit to become an ICU nurse?

    • 2
      Medical surgical
    • 1

3 members have participated

Hi everyone! I have a delimma here. I just had 3 offers, 2medsurg floor and an ortho unit. I really wanna be an ICU nurse in the future. I surveyed 3 units today and I find ortho unit the most favorable. My question is that if I can still be an ICU nurse after being in orthofloor? Because I heard they accept nurses from medsurgical floor mostly. Is there anyone here that came from ortho to ICU? Pls share your insights. And for anyone I would love to here from you! Best regards!

Specializes in ED; MICU.

Absolutely you can! One of the best ICU nurses I know started her career as an oath nurse. She used those years to build good assessment skills, good technical skills (she always volunteered to start IVs, do blood draws, insert foleys and NG tubes, etc), and she said that she used to request all of the sickest patients so that her delegation and time management skills would be good. Like MMC says, a good nurse is a good nurse. Lots of luck to you!

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