Published Jun 16, 2006
2 Posts
As far as I know one of the requirments to apply for the U.S green card as a RN-Nurse is to pass certain Credits or courses during the four year at university
I don't know how or where can I find out which credits I have to pass in order to be able to apply
for visa screen.
whould you please give me some links or your personal experiences ?
thanks in advance
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Each program is approved on its own merits. Best advice that I can offer is to submit your application for a CES, credentials eval to CGFNS and let them do an evaluation. Most states require this and then you will have exact information.
Their website is
You cannot even apply for a Visa Screen Certificate until you have passed either the CGFNS exam or the NCLEX-RN exam. And if you have had approval for either of those exams, then your program is accepted for the Visa Screen Certificate.