Published Nov 13, 2013
112 Posts
Which seems like a better idea?
Taking a 5 units chemistry course during a winter session (6 weeks)
Taking it during a regular semester 16 weeks, but with 2-3 other classes equaling to 12-13 units?
I have already dropped chemistry once during a regular session and have a W and can take it only one more time at my cc.
What do I do? I am stuck :/
1,871 Posts
Focus all of your attention on it and knock it out, the other option would be setting yourself up to fail
I did a summer physics course in 4 weeks, it was intense but I got it done.
queserasera, RN
1 Article; 718 Posts
I have always done my best in the "mini-mesters". I feel like focusing all of my energy on one subject is much easier than trying to keep up on several (especially if you've had trouble in the past!) Also, it's been my experience that professors in short terms tend to offer a bit more grace than in a regular semester. Not easier, just, more understanding maybe.
If you're able to ask around to other folks you've taken the course at your school. A great professor can also make all the difference in such an intense class, so do your research if you have an option to.
336 Posts
It all depends on what kind of student you are. And how well you can manage your time and the course. Is the subject something that isn't one of your strong suits? Then take your time. If its one that you feel comfortable with and can go at it full force everyday for 5 weeks. Practice problems, and reading and understanding, and lab course i guess, it is a chem class, then go for it.