Can you go to endoscopy unit fresh out of nursing school?

Specialties Gastroenterology


I'm just wondering if thats possible coz i recently saw an ad which requires med/surg or critical care experience only.

i'm working in endoscopy clinic but am still a student nurse so i have no idea.

thanks a lot !

The direct answer to your question is: Our endoscopy unit requires critical care experience and ACLS certs. Although we work in the hospital, we are independent in that we don't have RTs around or EKG techs or an IV team, etc so we have to be able to do it all!

The second point I would make is: if you currently work in an endo lab and are just finishing your RN--surely you want to try your hand at other nursing don't you? That is the fun of being a new nurse--all the choices. I think if you like endoscopy now, that you would probably like working in a PACU. Recovery is a little familiar to you but more challenging. Broaden your horizons Paula!!!


IF they hire new grads. Most specialty areas don't.

The problem w/specialty areas is that you're doing one area and you don't get a lot of experience in the big picture. But you need to KNOW and be comfortable w/the big picture because it can all turn on a dime.

I'd recommend some med/surg/critical care under your belt first. :)

Good luck!!

Amy :)

Most of the RN's that work in Endoscopy at our hospital have worked on a med/surg floor that specialized in GI and ENT or they worked in ICU. They may hire new grads but you need to ask the manager if they do.

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