Can a EMT be an emergency department tech??


I have recently enrolled in an EMT-B class up at the local college. I plan on moving to St. Paul, MN. They have TONS of Emergency department technician jobs out there and I was wondering if an EMT-B or EMT-I would be adequate training for the EDT. I am also planning on before I move to get a job as an ERT just for experiance. If that isn't not adequate than what other medical job would I be qualified for?

And also what is the difference between an EDT and an emergency room tech?? and certified nurses aide/ certified nurses assistant? if any

Lastly does anyone know if u can switch from an EMT-P to a RN and have a bachelors degree with the 2 year paramedic and the 2 year RN?

I've been up for like 5 hrs trying to figure it out :zzzzz

Thanks you so much,


Most of the want ads for ED techs here in CT have they will take someone with the tech certification or an EMT.

You can do the EMT-P to RN bridge through the online programs, and I have seen some colleges that will take EMT-P and transfer a ton of credits, thereby reducing your schooling time.

I think you'd have to contact the schools your are interested in and put your questions about EMT-P to RN with them.

A certified nurses assistant and a certified nurses aid are both the same thing, just different ways to call them..both are CNA's.

I am thinking an ER tech and an EDT are the same. EDT-emergecy dept tech and ER tech-emergency room tech.

Depending on where you are you will see the ER referred to as the emergency dept or the emergency room. I grew up and have lived in CT my whole life I have always heard it refered to as the emergency room.

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