Campus clinical procedures

Specialties School


Dear School nurses,

Please help me with any idea on campuse clinical procedures as presentation to teachers. Am new to school nursing and don’t know where to start from.

13 hours ago, NurseDew said:

Jnemartin or Nurse Tilly would one of you be able to share that PowerPoint with me as well? I’d really appreciate it! My email is [email protected]g

sent! ?

Specializes in Oncology, Med/Surg, Correctional, and School nursi.

On the first day staff members returned I received one hour of training time for blood borne pathogens training, proper medication administration, providing first aid during field trips, review of EAP's for anaphylaxsis and asthma, YouTube videos on use of an Epi pen and inhaler (I found a great 30 second video of a woman have an anaphylactic reaction. The teachers were able to hear her respiratory distress and saw the huge improvement within 3 seconds of her using her Epi pen. It is one thing to hear me drone on about it and a whole other ballgame to see it actually happening.) I reviewed the items in their classroom first aid kits and why they should use the band-aids in these kits, after hand washing of course, rather than sending students to see me, stressing the reduction of missed instructional time for the student. I see students on a first come/first treated basis unless it involves puke, respiratory distress, LOC, or major bleeding. The student could be gone 40 minutes, depending on the time of day they come, from the classroom for a simple band-aid that is probably not needed in the first place.

Specializes in Jr/Sr High School.
On 8/15/2019 at 11:01 AM, Nurse Tilly said:

my email is [email protected]

Thank you so much. ?

On 8/15/2019 at 10:57 AM, jnemartin said:

If you private message me your email, I can send you the PPT presentation I gave for all staff before school started - my office hours, what is in the RN office (which meds available, where are EPI pens stored etc), necessary vs unnecessary nurse visits, what to do in case of emergency, field trip protocol. You can edit it for your needs, or just use it as a guide. This is my second year as a SN, and in my first year, I found these topics to be the most misunderstood/unclear so that's what I covered.

Can you please send it to me as well? [email protected]

thank you!

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