Calling ALL Board Certified INs- Doctoral Candidate in Need of Survey Participants


Specializes in Informatics, Education, and Oncology.

please only participate in this survey if you hold board certification from ana/ancc in nursing informatics

+ see additional criteria below.

greetings all certified informatics nurses,

i am seeking participants for my doctoral dissertation research study. my population for this study involves board certified informatics nurses (ancc) that have participated (developed/delivered) in computerized clinical documentation training within the past 12 months. if you are interested in participating, read the informed consent letter below and click on the link at the bottom of the screen to access the short web-based survey. thank you.

dear board certified informatics nurse-

my name is brenda kulhanek and i am a doctoral learner in the school of education at capella university. i am also a registered nursing working in the field of nursing informatics. i am conducting a research study titled enablers, barriers, and the influence of organizational environmental factors on computerized clinical documentation training developed and delivered by nursing informaticists. this research is being supervised by dr. k. minchella. i would like to invite you to participate in this research study. the main purpose of this form is to provide information about the research so that you can make a decision about whether you want to participate. if you choose to participate, please click the link at the end of this form to access the survey.

what is the research about?

the purpose of this study is to provide an initial exploration of the organizational environment in which nursing informaticists currently work to create and deliver computerized clinical documentation training for patient care staff as well as to explore the enablers and barriers that are encountered by nursing informaticists during the development and training process.

what does participation in this research study involve?

if you decide to participate in this study, you will be asked to complete a 20 question web-based survey. your participation will take about 30 minutes of time. survey data will be recorded and maintained electronically and stored securely for seven years after study publication. no information that could identify you or the internet address of your computer will be collected during this survey.

why are you being asked to participate?

you have been invited to participate because you hold board certification in nursing informatics and may have participated in the development and implementation of computerized clinical documentation training in a health care setting within the past year.

what are the risks involved in this study?

although no study is completely risk-free, we don't anticipate that you will be harmed or distressed by participating in this research. if you find yourself becoming uncomfortable, you may stop your participation at any time.

are there any benefits to participation?

we don't expect any direct benefits to you from participation in this study.

what happens if the researcher gets new information during the study?

the researcher will contact you if he/she learns new information that could change your decision about participating in this study.

how will the researcher protect participants' confidentiality?

the results of the research study will be published, but your name or identity will not be revealed. in order to maintain confidentiality of your records, the researcher will store data obtained through the web-based survey on a password protected cd in a locked drawer for a period of seven years after publication, after which the cd will be destroyed.

as a mandated reporter, if i believe you are planning to harm a vulnerable child or adult or if you are planning to harm yourself, i am required file a report. if this happens, i will tell my research supervisor your name and my concern. you will be contacted if this happens.

what happens if a participant doesn't want to continue in the study?

participation in this study is voluntary. if you choose not to participate or if you choose to withdraw from the study, you may do so at any time. there will be no consequence. it will not affect your ability to exit the web-based survey and no data will be retained of your partial participation in the study.

will it cost anything to participate in the study? will i get paid to participate?

participation in the study does not involve cost anything and there will be no remuneration for participation in the study.

will participants be compensated for illness or injury?

you are not waiving any of your legal rights if you agree to participate in this study, however, no funds have been set aside to compensate you in the event of harm. if you suffer harm because of this research project, you may contact the capella human research protections office at 1-888-227-3552, extension 4716.

voluntary consent

by clicking the link below, you are saying that you have read this form or have had it read to you. you are also saying that you understand the risks and benefits of this research study and that you know what you are being asked to do. the researcher will be happy to answer any questions you have about the research.

if you have questions about your rights as a research participant, the capella human research protections office is available to help. if you have any concerns about the research process or the researcher, please contact us at 1-888-227-3552, extension 4716. if there are any unexpected problems with the research please also be sure to contact us. your identity, questions, and concerns will be kept confidential.

by clicking on the link below, you are saying that you have read this information and understand what you are being asked to do. please print a copy of this consent information for your records.

please only participate in this survey if you hold board certification from ana/ancc in nursing informatics

link to survey:

(this link will remain open until 24:00 on august 8th)

thank you for your time and participation.

brenda kulhanek, rn, msn, cphims

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