Published Feb 5, 2009
6 Posts
THIS IS A CALL FOR RESEARCH STUDY PARTICIPANTS!!! Are you an RN with an Associate's Degree or higher who is either CURRENTLY PREGNANT or has delivered a full-term baby in the LAST 12 MONTHS? I need your help!
As part of my graduate work, I am conducting research on Nurses' Choice of Birthing Method, and factors that influence that choice. I am hoping for 50 usable responses!
The survey will take approximately 10 to 20 minutes to complete. You may click the following link to be re-directed to my survey!
Thanks in advance for your help!
283 Posts
I can't click on the link, but I would be happy to take the survey for you.
17 Articles; 45,839 Posts
Link repaired.
106 Posts
I tried to take the survey, but if I click on the same answer for two questions in a row, it deletes the one before it.
Thanks to all those who are TRYING to take my survey!!! I am going to fix the bugs and re-post the link today! Please be patient!!!
SURVEY HAS BEEN FIXED!!! You are now able to choose the same answer for two questions in a row! Thanks for the feedback! And, thanks to the staff member at allnurses that fixed my link!