California Salary


Is it possible to make $900 a day as a Registered Nurse in California?

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

It is possible to earn $600 daily working as an RN in the San Francisco Bay of California. For example, if you earn $50 hourly and multiply it by 12 hours, you will have earned $600 in the course of a 12 hour shift.

It is possible to earn $600 daily working as an RN in the San Francisco Bay of California. For example, if you earn $50 hourly and multiply it by 12 hours, you will have earned $600 in the course of a 12 hour shift.

Then if on overtime (extra shift, call back) time and a half for 12 hrs, is $900.00. Night shift differential 10-15% added ect... But then taxes kick in. Jeff

Then if on overtime (extra shift, call back) time and a half for 12 hrs, is $900.00. Night shift differential 10-15% added ect... But then taxes kick in. Jeff

Not to mention dying from exhaustion. I recently worked a double voluntarily (my base pay is $42 an hour) and our shifts are eight hours five days a week so, after 16 hours ... I did make $840 with an extra eight hours of $63 an hour OT.

But I'll never do that again unless I'm mandated. I nearly had a wreck falling asleep driving home. The extra money isn't much good if I'm dead. If I ever get mandated for a double (which, thankfully hasn't happened yet), I'm checking into a hotel room. Otherwise, I'm not going to do more than four hours OT in one day.

As for the OT taxes ... I don't mind because the tax is going to bite anyway when you start making money ... especially if you have a spouse with a good income. We're trying to put as much money as we can into 401K's etc. to lessen the tax hit. That, combined with the higher OT tax rate will hopefully help us avoid writing a check to the IRS next year.

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