Calhoun Community College Fall 2012


Has anyone applied to Calhoun Community College for Fall 2012?

I am from out of state and was curious as to what the scores are going into the program and how competitive it is. I am hoping to get in!!!!

I am pretty nervous!

Has anyone applied to Calhoun Community College for Fall 2012?

I am from out of state and was curious as to what the scores are going into the program and how competitive it is. I am hoping to get in!!!!

I am pretty nervous!

I'm applying for fall, I had 182 points. The program is pretty competitive, several people were in the same range as myself. We'll find out in a couple of weeks. Good luck!

I got in Fall 2012 Part Time Evening program. :redpinkhe I have been asking various people about the expenses of the program....there are some fees for semester tests. What kind of tests? The tests each semester are approximately $100?

You pay a testing fee per semester and it's around $100 that financial aid doesn't cover and you have to pay for youself.

What kind of tests? I thought you had a "nursing test" after completing the classes.

You take the HESI at the end of every semester and it tests you on what you learned that semester and becomes cumulative. The teachers do not make this test, so there really is no way of knowing just what will be on it. Each semester, the amount it counts towards your grade increases. You will learn to "bank" you test grades & make as high as you can so that you can walk into HESI, make a 50 and still pass the class. In 202, which I'm in, it counts 30% of our grade.

Where are the clinicals and do you get to choose where you go?

Any good books or study material to use for HESI each semester? I have been stressing out already.....I have bought 3 books and some flashcards. I have already started reading one and the semester hasn't even started yet :/

Clinical rotations vary, I've always been at HH and I've got to North Alabama Regional & Decatur General West for Psych. You don't really have any say on the day/time/location of your clinicals and for the most part, they tend to not be very accommodating. Clinical rotations will gradually get longer each semester. For example, this is my 3rd semester doing evening nights, last semester it was 5pm-10pm, this semester it's 5-11pm. If you are in the day class your clinicals will most likely be during the day. The only chance you will have a chance to give your opinion about where you want to be is when you turn in your choices for your preceptorship your last semester. Some semesters you will have a psych day on a Tuesday.

Studying for HESI is difficult because you never really know whats going to be on the test. I primarily study out of these 2 books:

HESI Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination, 3e (HESI Evolve Reach Comprehensive Review f/ NCLEX-RN Examination

Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN® Examination, 5e (Saunders Comprehensive Review for Nclex-Rn

You will also do module assignments that you will have to have in order to go to clinicals for the day, save all of your drug sheets in a binder, you will re-use them in later semesters.

I was in a group that volunteered for night clinicals because I work full time and I hate wasting a saturday when I can just be exhausted through the week and get it done.

So can I volunteer for a particular "clinicals" group? I work full time and if i stay on the 7am-3pm shift....I will not be available for clinicals on Saturday........If i work 11pm-7am...I can only work until 10pm What should I do? I tried to contact (MODERATOR EDIT OF NAME - PLEASE DO NOT POST NAMES OF INDIVIDUALS IN YOUR PROGRAM PER TOS) today and had no luck,,,,,he must be hard to catch up with. Ugh :(

VSBlonde are so helpful!!! I have posted another question (page 2) when you get time,


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