Calcium Gluconate


OK already. As a 7 year veteran OB RNC I have never (thank goodness) had to give Calcium Gluconate for Mag. Toxicity. My questions is ,because it has never been clear to me, Do you mix the gluconate with a mini bag or do you give it with a LR Bolus? I understand that the gluconate is caustic to the veins and it should be given over a 3 min period but what is the proper way?? Thanks...:nurse:

Specializes in ICU.

i've given it both ways.......straight ivp as well as mixed in a mini bag, however if pushed straight it's 10 minute push......not a second shorter. it's one of the few i actually push correctly. :smokin:

I've never had to give it but with the countless pts. we admit for IOL due to PEC its always in my pocket. Per our policy we give it IVP.

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