CA Nursing License


Hi everyone!

It might be a little early, but I'm looking into how to apply to CA's BON and take my NCLEX there. I graduate from nursing school in August and will be moving to CA from OH in September, and I have some questions about how CA's BON works. Like, can I do the LiveScan fingerprints when I go there to look at apartments over the summer before I graduate? If Ohio has Livescan, can I use those or since I'm out of state do I have to use the fingerprint cards with the long processing time? What's the usual turn around time between submitting the application and getting your number to take the NCLEX (OH is notoriously long). Any other tips and info would be great!

I don't know the answers to your questions, but I do know that the board answers their phones. I posted a question on here and never got an answer. I called the board and they answered after around 5 minutes on hold which wasn't as bad as I expected. I don't know if you will have to do live scan all over again, but I believe so because the agency that requests your live scan doesn't share the results with other agencies. There are tons and tons of locations in California where you can do live scan though. Live scan should probably the least of your worries.

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