CA BRN application 2 week rule?


Hello everyone!

I'm grappling with how to proceed with the timing of my initial licensure application and the new CA BRN rule stating "not to submit application more than 2 weeks before graduation". See, the issue is that BRN processes applications in bi-monthly batches, i.e. In my case Feb 1-15, 15-28, then March 1-15, 16-31, etc. And, I graduate on March 16th. So, technically 2 weeks (14 days) would mean the earliest I could apply would be March 2, just two days into that March 1-15 batch. What I'm getting at is, what would your advice considering I could potentially shave two weeks off my application processing time by submitting two days earlier, say on Feb 28th and would then be in the feb 16-28 batch instead? The real issue here is the disadvantage of graduating trailing the shortest month in the year, haha.

Cheers everyone!

Specializes in NICU, RNC.

Historically, they will process everyone from your graduating class at the same time, regardless of application date. Rather, they go off of when they receive your transcripts from the school (which is all sent in 1 big batch for each graduating class). And the dates listed on the processing times are not accurate, I think they post older dates so that they get less calls, lol. I applied Nov. 26, and when I got my ATT, the processing times said they were working on Nov 1-15. And some of my classmates applied mid-Dec and still got their ATT at the same time as I did.

That said, if you have a conviction, it may take longer.

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