Published Dec 28, 2009
7 Posts
I am currently taking the pre-reqs for the Associate Degree in Nursing program at Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC) in Charlotte, NC.
I've had to play catch up with Math because I left high school and got my GED before taking all of the required high school math classes. I completed Beginners and Intermediate Algebra and now I will be able to take College Algebra. I received a B grade in the first class and a C in the second class. A C grade is the minimum you can have to go on to the next level of math. I have not yet taken College Algebra.
These two lower math classes don't actually apply to the degree, College Algebra is the only Math requirement for the degree, and my current GPA is 3.294.
How will these lower level math classes affect me in the future? Will they always be on my transcripts? I plan on getting higher degrees when time and money are available, but how high should I set my hopes with my educational background? (GED, lower grades on non-applicable Math classes, community college education, etc.)
I'll be doing the RN-BSN after I work for awhile, and I'd like to get my Masters in the future and be a Nurse Practitioner, hopefully at a decent school, but I want to know what I can realistically expect.
Thanks all :)
364 Posts
Since they do not apply to the degree they should not be considered. IF you make a really good grade in college Algebra you should have no problems.
297 Posts
They'll always be apart of you local GPA. Each school seems to be different in the emphasis that they place on GPAs. If you want to go on to get your master's, you might want to look into what the requirements are at a few schools to see what you'd need your GPA to be. If it's higher, it might be wise to take the C over and try for a B or better.
200 Posts
The grades will always be on your transcripts, but if they dont go towards your degree I wouldn't worry about it. I am really bad at math too. I had to take elementary and intermediate before College Algebra. I didnt do great in the first two classes, one of which I made a C too, but I buckled down and got a tutor for College Algebra and made 2 points from an A. I'm so glad it's over with now though. Just do your best in College Algebra, work really hard and the other two shouldn't matter!!
45 Posts
As is with most nursing programs they are much harder than you core courses all of my fellow students were the top of their class with grades and now some of them are struggling to pass with the required 76. What I'm trying to get across is do not get stuck on your GPA even though it plays a large part in your acceptance, make sure you have GREAT study skills, unbelievable determination, acceptance to possible lower grades and the will to carry on through adversity. I am going through a second degree with a less than stellar GPA. (3.5) I even failed some courses when I was a freshman. However since I've returned to school I've been 4.0 And the top grade in every class (prerequisites) with my very first disapointing and aggrivating B in fundamentals. Hope this helps...